Does anyone remember the home surveillance project created by Mani Sadhasivam (96Boards Applications engineer) several months ago? Well since then, people from Qualcomm have taken this project and turned it into a nice little DIY kit! What better place to showcase this kit and a great demo than on OpenHours… And who better to explain these efforts than Rajan Mistry, Qualcomm’s seasoned OpenHours representative of the show (don’t quote me on that one). Either way, Rajan joins us all the time on OpenHours, and this time he joined us as our featured guest. We spoke about the project it self, the reason behind it’s consumption, and the eventual contributions that were made by Rajan and his team back into the project.
Links and resources
The slideshow
Chat log
Todd Thal - TT
Where r the raging masses today?
Is jean Marc related to jean Claude van damn?....; )
jean.marc - J
Nooo :-D :-D
Its for sure a french name ahaha
Todd Thal - TT
But jean Marc can kick "96 boards butt"...; )
Michael Welling - MW
do we have a link to mezzanine standoffs?
Todd Thal - TT
Cool Pinout page congrats to all contributors...
Robert Wolff - RW
Thanks @Todd Thal!
Sahaj Sarup - SS
thanks Todd!
Sahaj Sarup - SS
aah.. these
I got mine with the mediatek x20, just have thoes
Mani - M
Michael Welling - MW
Robert Wolff - RW
Thanks @Michael Welling!
Rajan, I have question :This benchmark chart is considering "USB Webcam" or "MIPI-CSI Camera" performance?
Todd Thal - TT
At the end after your face is recognized... do you allow of deflect the person like the "bridge of death" in the Monty python holy grail movie?....
Christine Jorgensen - CJ
Hey Rajan I can swing by if you need a new face to train on and track ;-)
unlaiden swallow
european swallow
what is my favorite color
electric shock
maddog - M
There was a GNU/Linux distribution that allowed you to log in through facial recognition. Perhaps you could give high voltage through the keyboard if your face was not recognized.
Asturux was the distribution.
Todd Thal - TT
Can u interface to z-wave to control locks etc ?
Mike Levine - ML
Two weeks from now Robert and Openhours will be live with a great panel. We need help spreading the word. If you know of San Francisco based Engineers feel free to have them attend this event.
Christine Jorgensen - CJ
yes, exactly
Mike Levine - ML
This is 2 hours from 2pm - 4pm PST on September 28th. Please spread the word and have the person register for the event on the page. Meant to only paste the URL once
Christine Jorgensen - CJ
It was done as a university hack project for elderly with limited mobility to open the door to family or friends
Dreaming of "TensorFlow" running with "Adreno 306" GPU + CPU in Linux.
Sahaj Sarup - SS
Mani - M
@maddaog: it is not maintained anymore right?
Christine Jorgensen - CJ
In fact, Qualcomm put together a new "Quick Start" guide for the university students at the Major League Hacking managed hackathons at
This doc steps a newbie through how to boot and run the DragonBoard 410c headless (using the student's laptop as the monitor), setting up their IDE, then how to get started with GPIO, OpenCV, libmraa, etc, with sample code / projects
Robert Wolff - RW
Christine Jorgensen - CJ
His is a much more fun role!
(Says his boss)
Robert Wolff - RW
@Christine :P
Rajan, could you please share with us the scripts for rebuilding OpenCV with the optimizations you mentioned?
Cool! Thank you.
Robert Wolff - RW
Christine Jorgensen - CJ
Yes, definitely. The Product Team is always very interested in this type of feedback.
Mani - M
@christine: thanks
Todd Thal - TT
Many more results w Qualcomm
Christine Jorgensen - CJ
Very awesome!!
Use 96Boards instead of Pi's
Robert Wolff - RW
Sahaj Sarup - SS
and for really good reasons too
Mani - M
fully opensource, great product support etc...
Sahaj Sarup - SS
my main concern with the raspi is that it doesn't use a production SoC
db410c has that advantage
So when someone learns this particular SoC, This can be actually used in the industry
Mani - M
Also, Raspi has wired startup procedure (Starts off from GPU) :P
It makes it more difficult to port ATF(Arm Trusted Firmware)
Sahaj Sarup - SS
reminds me of zx spectrum i guess
Ragnar. - R
Sahaj Sarup - SS
CPU is just a slave to the GPU
Robert Wolff - RW
Sahaj has been there for a Robert / maddog talk
politics and religion :O
Mani - M
Time to leave... See u guys next week
Sahaj Sarup - SS
see ya mani...
Robert Wolff - RW
Bye Mani!
It would be awesome to see the same level of support DB410c has with android OS, available for Linux OS.
Robert Wolff - RW
DB410c Linux support is better than android
Sahaj Sarup - SS
yeahh... ooh need to ask a quick ques to rajan
I mean : Hexagon SDK, Adreno SDK, FastCV, etc... Support for the Snapdragon 410E.
Robert Wolff - RW
Yes, true
Christine Jorgensen - CJ
Wondering if there would be a way to tap into Amazon for the kit rental, as they already have a textbook rental program
The kit checkin and test for functionality though would obviously be a bit more work than checking a textbook for damage
So TRUE!!!
Maybe a student gets extra course credit if they contribute a project?
Robert Wolff - RW
That could be something for hackathon
Barry - B
I am out of here. Thanks
Mike Levine - ML
Great call and look forward to meeting you Rajan and Christine. I need to drop off.
I though it was a snowboard
maddog - M
If the kit had a "position for every component" it would be relatively easy to check, and the rental would over "checkin", with replacement being extra if necessary.
Todd Thal - TT
Robert / maddog would it be worth the time to network with O'Reilly / Addison Wesley (etc) to get a mention in DSP books and-or a kit they could buy with use in the books?
Maddog might know Tim (O'Reilly) or Allen Downey (thinking in DSP)
Maddog I just published a great book on DSP's..
I will see if I can make contact with Allen
Sahaj Sarup - SS
maddog, do you know madduck
aka martin f kraft
Todd Thal - TT
Is there a "robotic suitcase" 96 boards project ?...; )
Thanks, everyone. Good-bye!
Christine Jorgensen - CJ
Nice show today!