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Incomplete Documentation - DragonBoard410c - 96Boards Forum

Incomplete Documentation

It seems that DB410c Linux User Guide is annoyingly incomplete. There is no information about establishing Internet connectivity. since there is no Ethernet port on the board, what are the steps to establish this connectivity via WiFi.

Further, the figure on page 12/17, under Section 5 is incorrect, as it depicts the use of three USB ports, yet it is mentioned in several other places that the micro USB and Host USB ports CANNOT be used at the same time.

Anyone (from Arrows? Qualcomm? Linaro?) care to shed some light to these rather important issues.



Well… the third USB port is in the high speed io plug. Look at the hardware manual to find the pins and the plug specifications.

The linux distribution being used is ubuntu, so “general” functionality support (like connecting to a wifi ap) should probably be obtained from Canonical. There is nothing particularly special about dragonboard in this regard, so no need to document it separately from the rest of ubuntu.

Think of the dragonboard documentation as outlining what is unique about Dragonboard.

When I look at the diagram on page 12/17 of the Linux User Guide, I understand that the setup shown is the way to develop apps on a remote host and run it on the target. It does not say anything about the hardware details (it is not a hardware document). So, microUSB being on a high speed io bus (or not) is irrelevant.

Section 4.2 is empty, why is it there, then?



See the dotted line between the “HostPC” and the dragonboard? That is not a permanent wire. When you plug that wire in, the other two usb ports are disconnected. Perfectly clear when you’ve read and understood all of the manuals, in particular, the HARDWARE manual.

You seriously having a hard time with apt?

Apparently, you missed my point entirely, so I’m not going to argue anymore.

And stop intimidating me, who ever you are…


It would help if you expressed an actual issue.


have you tried going through the wifi instructions in nmcli manual?

  1. open a terminal
  2. nmicli dev wifi list
  3. nmicli add con-name <name> ifname <wlan_id> type wifi ssid <ssid>
  4. nmicli con modify <name> wifi-sec.key-mgmt wpa-psk

after 4 you will be asked to enter the password.

(nmcli of course - ignore typo). just tested on my board and works as expected.

As Jorge pointed (ldts), network management is done using network manager.

From command line, you can use nmcli. Here’s alternative commands to achieve the same thing:
nmcli dev wifi con SSID password PASSWORD name SSID
nmcli con up id SSID

Note: replace SSID and PASSWORD as appropriate.

From the desktop, a graphical applet (network-manager-gnome) is available to achieve the same configuration. You can run the graphical editor (nm-connection-editor).

Finally, you can also refer to ubuntu wiki:

Thinking about Rasit’s initial post, connecting to networks is so fundamental to the Dragonboard experience that I think we should include a how-to-guide in multiple places, including manuals and FAQ’s. I would also suggest that we discuss the use of ethernet USB dongles for those who will not be using wifi.

Rasit, if you have not found it already, in the lower right of the screen is an icon which will allow you to select a wifi access point and enter a password. Left click on the icon which shows two squares connected by a line. You will see a list of current wifi access points in view. Select one and you will be asked for a password.

From the menu in the lower left, you can select Preferences … Network Connections. This is harder to use for first access to a network. It is easy to use to change parameters, such as a new password for an existing access point.

The aforementioned nmcli commands also work well.


Please try the following resource from Qualcomm Developer Network: USB to Ethernet Application Note here