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Getting the camera to work - Orange Pi i96 - 96Boards Forum

Getting the camera to work

Hi Everyone!

I’m trying to get the CSI camera to work on the Orange Pi i96.

So… I’m new to 96 boards, new to orange-pi and have used linux in very few occasions. I tried the tree distros available (Raspbian, Debian, ubuntu) and can use the device via both the Serial and VNC Viewer (although the latter is sluggish).

I have connected to my wifi correctly and can download the camera driver (gc2035) via the orangepi-config command as well as the demo c file. In ubuntu I got a black image once and never again, in the other distros I got nothing.

I tried following this guide: How to Use Orange Pi Camera in Linux (with Motion) - CNX Software without success. It seams it the modules only come included in armbian distro (not yet available for OPi96).

I’ll try using the IOT-2G’s image of armbian as I assume it should work (they have the same CPU). I’ll update if I have any sort of success.

In the meantime, does anyone know how to get the camera to work with this Orange Pi i96 board?
It would save me some headaches.


Did you get the video finally?

Nope. Left the project in standby until I have more time or a better board comes around (and by better I mean, easy enough to use, reliable and available for bulk purchases)