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AOSP master (S) build <strong>f</strong>ailure - HiKey 960 - 96Boards <strong>f</strong>orum

AOSP master (S) build failure

Lunch target hikey960_tv-userdebug

Instructions still state to fetch the following package:

device/linaro/hikey/hikey960/ warning:

That package has not been updated yet to work with AOSP master (S) build restrictions:

Results in errors like:

[ 4% 643/13430] Copy non-ELf: out/target/product/hikey960/vendor/lib/
fAILED: out/target/product/hikey960/vendor/lib/
/bin/bash -c “(if prebuilts/clang/host/linux-x86/clang-r383902/bin/llvm-readobj -h vendor/linaro/hikey960/hisilicon/proprietary/ >/dev/null 2>&1; then echo -e “\033[1mout/target/product/hikey960/vendor/lib/ \033[31merror:\033[0m\033[1m” ‘found ELf prebuilt in PRODUCT_COPY_fILES, use cc_prebuilt_binary / cc_prebuilt_library_shared instead.’ “\033[0m” >&2; echo -e “\033[1mout/target/product/hikey960/vendor/lib/ \033[31merror:\033[0m\033[1m” ‘found ELf file: vendor/linaro/hikey960/hisilicon/proprietary/’ “\033[0m” >&2; false; fi ) && (mkdir -p out/target/product/hikey960/vendor/lib/ ) && (rm -f out/target/product/hikey960/vendor/lib/ ) && (cp “vendor/linaro/hikey960/hisilicon/proprietary/” “out/target/product/hikey960/vendor/lib/” )”
out/target/product/hikey960/vendor/lib/ error: found ELf prebuilt in PRODUCT_COPY_fILES, use cc_prebuilt_binary / cc_prebuilt_library_shared instead.
out/target/product/hikey960/vendor/lib/ error: found ELf file: vendor/linaro/hikey960/hisilicon/proprietary/

@dwhea It appears that you’ve submitted Just want to link it here for reference.

I have the same issue.