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Bloom Box - Part 1 - 96Boards

Bloom Box - Part 1



Have you ever been bored? If your answered yes or no to that question, do we have the perfect tool kit for you!

Who We Are

We are Team I (better name pending) of class ECE 191 Spring ‘18 at UCSD. Our team consists of Karina Niño, Aansh Malik, Varun Suresh, and me, Joy Nwarueze.

First, our Team Lead: Karina Niño

Hello! I’m Karina from Chino, CA. As a graduating electrical engineering senior at UC San Diego, my depth is power systems/ electronics & control systems. I’m excited to work on a project that incorporates renewable energy and caters to the underserved. Fun fact: I’m an intermediate salsa dancer!

Next up is Aansh Malik:

Hi! I’m Aansh from Irvine/Burbank, CA. I am an Electrical Engineering Senior with machine learning/ control systems depth and electives in Power Systems/ Entrepreneurship. Fun Fact: I spent the first 16 years of my life in India and therefore am particularly excited about the potential benefits and impact that this project can have on the underprivileged in the country I was born and brought up in.

Furthermore we have Varun:

My name is Varun Suresh. I am a fourth-year electrical engineering major with a depth in machine learning and controls. This project of is great interest to me because of the intended scope of its application. Helping people across the world access the technology available in the developed world not only fosters a more competitive environment worldwide but also allows more innovation to occur.

Last but not least, Our Glorious, Amazing, Shining Star of a Human Being, me, Joy:

Hola! I’m a 5th year electrical engineering student that’ll hopefully graduate after one more quarter. My depth for my major is circuits and systems with a technical/professional focus in computer science. I’m interested in this project because I think it would be cool to build something I wish I had growing up as it would have helped foster a passion I didn’t know I had earlier on. Also, a fun fact about me is that I’m in the National Honor Fraternity Phi Sigma Pi and have been Parliamentarian for the past 2 years. So yeah please hire me before the monster that is student debt comes to get me.

What Are We Doing

Our team is tasked with designing a developer workstation that comes with as many bells and whistles that we can think of and incorporate to create a self-sustainable, portable kit to help introduce participants to the world of Open Source, clean/renewable energy and technologies and product development. Or in other words, a box that’ll help you build your electronic systems wherever and whenever. Except underwater. We are not responsible for whatever happens if you turn the system on underwater. And in space too I guess. Actually, scratch that. I would like to know what’ll happen to this kit if it was opened in space.

Why Are We Doing This

This is for underprivileged youth to foster an interest in engineering circuits and systems. This is for long-time developers who want to always be able to construct and test their own designs on-the-go. This is for those that are curious about how much information can be found just from their environment. This is for anybody who wants to build their own ideas and tell the world, “I made this.” And Team I (better name still pending) has been tasked with making this possible.

Wish Us Luck (and hopefully we won’t break anything important).

Warmly, Joy

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