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Brief intro to ELC and day one (1/3) - 96Boards

Brief intro to ELC and day one (1/3)

Robert Wolff

The Embedded Linux Conference (ELC) has been the premier vendor-neutral technical conference for the past 10 years for companies and developers using Linux in embedded products. As a Gold Sponsor, Linaro was at the event with our very own booth - giving talks and doing demos. Over the next few days we’ll be sharing some of the highlights (courtesy of Robert Wolff - Linaro’s Technical Writer) from what was a truly insightful and productive week:

Day 1 Monday(04/04/16) - ELC

The event opened on Monday 4th April at 7:30am, starting with a breakfast and a Keynote from Linus Torvalds, moderated by Dirk Hohndel. The keynote went by quickly focusing on Linux’s new approach to device connectivity with emphasis on the co-hosted Internet of Things (IoT) Summit. The first round of sessions covered everything from OpenEmbedded to applying open source to the automotive industry. In the second round of sessions our very own David Mandala, Director of the Systems Engineering team, gave his discussion on 96Boards and the cloud (more than 20 attendees). It was a well rounded presentation covering everything from the 96Boards hardware specification(CE and EE), mezzanine products, out of the box experiences, the Reference Software Platform, future packaged libraries and much more. The synopsis for his session can be found here. I only managed to sneak in one more session this day with Bernhard Rosenkränzer(Bero) who spoke about reducing the memory footprint of android. His session was almost full, with upward of 35 attendees, the synopsis can be found here.

While the sessions were great, most of the action was happening at the booth and in the hallways, especially on day one. The foot traffic and interest around the Linaro booth was unprecedented so we were kept really busy throughout the event!

The team brought along a variety of eye catching gadgets and cards to the booth:

Embedded Linux Conference Part 2 Image 2

We also set up a bunch of demos - one of which was put together by David Mandala, using a DragonBoard™ 410c, the Linker Mezzanine card, a touch sensor, and an LED. The demo was written using three different libraries and displayed on a 32” monitor sitting at the booth. Visitors were able to poke around on the board, check out David’s code, and play with the demo by turning the LED on/off with the touch sensor. Below is a complete list of the demos which took use of Linaro’s 96Boards:

Demo 1 - Canonical - DragonBoard™ 410c: Live Stream using Ubuntu Snappy Using Snappy OS, the UART serial console, and a webcam we were able to live stream directly to Youtube. I was also helping with this demo, giving Linaro a good presence at the Qualcomm® booth.

Demo 2 - Turtlebot - DragonBoard™ 410c: Two turtlebots were available at the booth. It was really cool to see the bots follow people around using the CV.

Demo 3 - DLNA Media Server with multiple clients - DragonBoard™ 410c DB410c as Media Server and one of the clients streaming video, music (audio) as well as photo sharing.

Demo 4 - Touch sensor LED button control - DragonBoard™ 410c This demo utilized the Linker mezzanine card starter kit

Demo 5 - Multi-sensor test board - HiKey and DragonBoard™ 410c This demo used just about every sensor in the Seeed Sensors Mezzanine kit. Everything was mounted on a laser cut sheet of plastic and designed to fit perfectly back into the Mezzanine kit box. Users could push buttons, turn knobs, and slide levers, all with different reactions from the board. The demo was done with multiple 96Boards, demonstrating the use of the Reference Software platform and it’s versatility between all 96Boards.

In this series 

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