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Where is kirin970-hikey970.dtb? - HiKey970 - 96Boards <strong>f</strong>orum

Where is kirin970-hikey970.dtb?

Build doc says it is in arch/arm64/boot/dts/hisilicon/ kirin970-hikey970.dtb but it is not there after cloning. It is also not in 96boards-hikey970 git repo online.

Which build doc? (always better to put a link into questions like this)

It saying,

Copy Pre-Built Kernel Binaries

  • Copy kirin970-hikey970.dtb.dtb (arch/arm64/boot/dts/hisilicon/ kirin970-hikey970.dtb) to the device/linaro/hikey-kernel directory as file: kirin970-hikey970.dtb-4.9

Where can I find it???

I don’t think hikey970 repos contain pre-built kernel binaries so what this section really means is how to copy a self-built kernel into where the AOSP build system expects to find it (put another way, AOSP does not build the kernel itself… it assumes that it is pre-built before compiling AOSP).

It looks to me like the instructions on the web site were originally a single document and they have been split appart with hyperlinking them together properly. I have filed a bug about this:

for now the instructions to build the kernel yourself are found in the other document:

Right. Something is wrong on the documents.
I generate it using this build step.

  1. Download kernel from git ( git clone )
  2. build kernel and use it. When I need to use ramdisk.img, I get it from )
  3. Build Android

But for my case, I failed to use built android when I used it with master branch. I think something still missing. I don’t know which android version I should use to build. I didn’t feel Hikey’s software support is good.

When building kernel images the dtb can be built manually using:

make dtbs

that will create the dtb file arch/arm64/boot/dts/hisilicon/kirin970-hikey970.dtb

Hope that answers the question

Thank you all.
But we all stll wating perfect & verified build guild from “”. Isn’t it?
They still no answer and no fix.

the dtb files will not be part of the github repository since they can be generated using ‘make dtbs’
The guthub repository is for sources and not for precompiled binaries

I have updated the instructions Build AOSP on HiKey970 - 96Boards

take a look now

I followed the instructions:

$ mkdir <ANDROID_TOP>
$ repo init -u -b master
$ git clone -b hikey970_v1.0 .repo/local_manifests
$ repo sync -j$(nproc) -c
$ source build/
$ lunch hikey970-userdebug

But when I try to make ramdisk:

$ make -j$(nproc) ramdisk

I get the following error:

[ 29% 114/389] including device/linaro/hikey/ ...
device/linaro/hikey/wpan/uim/ error: uim: LOCAL_MODULE_TAGS := eng is obsolete. See 
build/make/core/ error: done.
18:37:55 ckati failed with: exit status 1

#### failed to build some targets (20 seconds) ####

i have fixe this error by replacing eng by optional in device/linaro/hikey/

But now i get the following errors

[ 0% 1/56712] build out/target/product/hikey970/obj/fAKE/sepolicy_neverallows_intermediates/se
fAILED: out/target/product/hikey970/obj/fAKE/sepolicy_neverallows_intermediates/sepolicy_neverallows
/bin/bash -c “(ASAN_OPTIONS=detect_leaks=0 out/host/linux-x86/bin/checkpolicy -M -c 30 -o out/target/product/hikey970/obj/fAKE/sepolicy_neverallows_intermediates/sepolicy_neverallows.tmp out/target/product/hikey970/obj/fAKE/sepolicy_neverallows_intermediates/policy.conf ) && (out/host/linux-x86/bin/sepolicy-analyze out/target/product/hikey970/obj/fAKE/sepolicy_neverallows_intermediates/sepolicy_neverallows.tmp neverallow -w -f out/target/product/hikey970/obj/fAKE/sepolicy_neverallows_intermediates/policy_2.conf || ( echo “” 1>&2; echo “sepolicy-analyze failed. This is most likely due to the use” 1>&2; echo “of an expanded attribute in a neverallow assertion. Please fix” 1>&2; echo “the policy.” 1>&2; exit 1 ) ) && (touch out/target/product/hikey970/obj/fAKE/sepolicy_neverallows_intermediates/sepolicy_neverallows.tmp ) && (mv out/target/product/hikey970/obj/fAKE/sepolicy_neverallows_intermediates/sepolicy_neverallows.tmp out/target/product/hikey970/obj/fAKE/sepolicy_neverallows_intermediates/sepolicy_neverallows )”
device/linaro/hikey/sepolicy/hostapd.te:4:ERROR ‘unknown type hostapd’ at token ‘;’ on line 52102:
typeattribute hostapd data_between_core_and_vendor_violators;

hostapd no longer directly accesses /data outside /data/vendor.

checkpolicy: error(s) encountered while parsing configuration
09:10:58 ninja failed with: exit status 1

fixe by this patch:
Building this android version seems to be very difficult, somebody else have trying ?

and finaly i get this error
age --hide-package --error UnhiddenSystemApi --hide RequiresPermission --hide MissingPermissi on --hide BroadcastBehavior --hide HiddenSuperclass --hide DeprecationMismatch --hide UnavailableSymbol --hide SdkConstant --hide HiddenTy peParameter --hide Todo --hide Typo --replace-documentation '(<a\s+href\s?=[*\s]")(?:(?:{@docRoot}/.\ ./)|(?:(?:…/)+))((?:platform|technotes).+)">’ ‘$1$2">’ --check-compatibility:api:released out/so ong/.intermediates/prebuilts/sdk/last-released-public-api/gen/last-released-api.txt --check-compatibility:removed:released frameworks/base /api/removed.txt --merge-qualifier-annotations tools/metalava/manual --merge-qualifier-annotations libcore/ojluni/annotations/sdk --baseli ne out/soong/.intermediates/prebuilts/sdk/public-api-incompatibilities-with-last-released/gen/incompatibilities.txt --update-baseline out/ soong/.intermediates/frameworks/base/api-stubs-docs/android_common/last_released_baseline.txt && rm -rf out/soong/.intermediates/framework s/base/api-stubs-docs/android_common/last-apicheck/srcjars && touch out/soong/.intermediates/frameworks/base/api-stubs-docs/android_common /check_last_released_api.timestamp ) || ( echo -e "\n*****************************\nYou have tried to change the API from what has been p reviously released in\nan SDK. Please fix the errors listed above.\n******************************\n" ; exit 38 )

You have tried to change the API from what has been previously released in
an SDK. Please fix the errors listed above.

[ 80% 45400/56729] //frameworks/base:hiddenapi-lists-docs metalava [common]

/data/dev/hikey970_android/aosp/frameworks/base/media/java/android/media/ warning: Returning unexpected constant SECURI TY_LEVEL_MAX; is @SecurityLevel missing this constant? Expected one of SECURITY_LEVEL_UNKNOWN, SECURITY_LEVEL_SW_SECURE_CRYPTO, SECURITY_L EVEL_SW_SECURE_DECODE, SECURITY_LEVEL_HW_SECURE_CRYPTO, SECURITY_LEVEL_HW_SECURE_DECODE, SECURITY_LEVEL_HW_SECURE_ALL [ReturningUnexpected Constant]
10:19:38 ninja failed with: exit status 1

This one i don’t khnow how to fixe it…