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STM32 Sensor Mezzanine as a Stand Alone Dev Board - 96Boards

Instruction to use the Mezzanine as a Stand Alone Dev Board

These instructions will allow you to use the STM32 Sensor Mezzanine as a Stand alone Development Platform and program it using a regular PC and the micro-usb ST-LINK Programming Port.

  1. Make sure the Mezzanine is powered off and not attached to any Board.
  2. Locate Jumper JP4
    • Back side of the Mezzanine
    • Below the High Speed Header
    • Below JP71-JP81
  3. Close Jumper JP4 using Solder
  4. Make sure JP5, right next to the ST-LINK micro-usb port is also closed
  5. Connect the micro-usb to your PC
    • A USB storage device with a label similar to “B96B-F446VE” should show up with a capacity of around 532Kb
  6. Follow our arm mbed Guide from Step 4 and start Programming!