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Holiday Special OpenHours Episode 83 - 96Boards

Holiday Special OpenHours Episode 83

Robert Wolff


OpenHours Episode #83 - The holiday season is here and so is the time of giving (says many traditions :-)! For this, we once again welcome back maddog to share with us his holiday cheer and gift ideas during this wonderful time of the year. In this second annual holiday special, we will take open source gift giving to a whole new level as we look into some ideas that require a bit of work, some that require a bit of $$$, and other that are just plain fun or worthwhile to the open source enthusiast. So, dress in your finest holiday robes and join us in celebrating open source as a reason for the season!

Don’t forget to join us in our new OpenHours IRC channel: #OpenHours & #96boards

The episode

  • Last week’s episode
  • Blogs
  • IRC Reminder:
    • Apologies for anyone in the channels this week - horrible bot spam
    • #OpenHours & #96Boards
  • Coursera Teaser
  • Community Form

Watch OpenHours #83 on YouTube


There was no slide show for this episode; however, we did summarize all our gift ideas on a Google Doc which can be found here:

Chat Log (BlueJeans)

Ragnar. - R
ho ho ho

Robert - RW
How are you today! ?
Hopefully today will be fun >.<

Dieter - D
Hi guys

Pan - P

Ragnar. - R
screenshare still on

Mani - M
@Robert: Please stop screen sharing
#OpenHours & #96Boards

Loic Poulain - LP
Oh like this story ;-)

Robert Wolff (Screencast) - R(
@Sahaj, share your project

Ragnar. - R
There is no cloud it's just someone else's computer.

Robert Wolff (Screencast) - R(
:P Yeah... My mom still stores everything on her computer. Then she loses all her data every few years
and starts over :O

Mani - M

Tyeth - T
It proves how broken we all are

Robert Wolff (Screencast) - R(

Sahaj - S

Tyeth - T
Omg yes, thanks Robert

Robert Wolff (Screencast) - R(
@Tyeth, very fun game

Carl - C
love listening to LoR while snorkling in swimming pool with waterproof mp3 player

Robert Wolff (Screencast) - R(
You are swimming right now?
@Carl, how do you get watcher proof headphones?

Carl - C
not now but chaep and great hobby

Robert Wolff (Screencast) - R(
That will be my holiday gift

Tyeth - T
Usually a triple baffle on the ears is the main difference plus minor waterproofing of the player ports, lmgtfy?

Mani - M

Sahaj - S

Robert Wolff (Screencast) - R(
@sahaj you have to share links separetly

Tyeth - T
404 sahaj

Mani - M

Tyeth - T
O I c

Carl - C,+Yikeshu+8G+IPX8+Waterproof+Headphone+Underwater+Sport+MP3+with+FM+Radio+Music+Player+for+Swimming+Stereo+Headset+3-5+Meter+Diving+Surfing+Running+(Blue)
Cheaper on ebay

Sahaj - S

Carl - C
booke on audio while excersizing - love to multitask

Robert Wolff (Screencast)R(

Carl - C
brought a student to a Rails User Group and that lauched his career - so sharing FOSS and user group experienes is good.

Santa Penguin - SP
Yes!  There are many people who started their careers from a single event

Sahaj - S
we have a lot more ideas on our list :p
afk... 2min

Tyeth - T
Universities should be able to contribute to the leading open source alternatives and then they'd also have the specialist technical knowledge to assist the other departments / students of the world.

Carl - C
Goood point Mani - also forcing students to buy heavy books instaed of cheap pdf's that won't force them to carry a 100 lbs of books would be great.

Mani - M
@Tyeth: Exactly

Carl - C
I would donate to that!!!

Guillermo - G
On the subject of MATLAB alternatives, check this out, you will be impressed:

Sahaj - S
carry 100MB not 100lbs

Mani - M
@Carl: Agree with you

Guillermo - G
You can run .m scrpits almost unchanged.

Mani - M
@Gulliermo: yeah.scilab is also the best alternative to Matlab
@Sahaj is having something same on his list

Carl - C
she will remember that rest of her life

Pan - P
Jeri Ellsworth

Tyeth - T
Thank god she's off the boat
(shitty robots)
@Loic, you are very delayed
@Loic: Sorry >.<

Carl - C
also LibriVox Audio Books Free

Robert Wolff (Screencast) - R(

Loic Poulain - LP
project gutenberg ?

Mani - M
Book on Caontainers written by Senthil of Linaro

Robert Wolff (Screencast) - R(
The Ragnar Community Form:

Pan - P
I would like to share a joke. Hope it makes people laugh over the holidays
What did the Power Ranger say to his patient when he became a doctor?

Loic Poulain - LP
@mani Is your mesh network operational ?

Robert Wolff (Screencast) - R(

Carl - C

Pan - P
Hi guys. Anyone going to FOSDEM 2018?

Carl - C
Perhaps Coursera IoT course could be translated to spanish?
Great session - happy holidays everyone

Pan - P
Sorry to spam you guys again: Anyone going to FOSDEM 2018?

Tyeth - T
Got what Robert?

Robert Wolff (Screencast) - R(
Pan, I am not :\
maddog might be going

Tyeth - T
I'm dreaming of a nice e-paper topper for 96boards / pi
Inky pHAT @pimoroni for pi zero w is my best hope

Robert Wolff (Screencast) - R(
We are working on one!
Did you hear about this from someone?

Tyeth - T
No feel free to send me a sample ;)
Also read about the problem pimoroni had with the inky pHAT defect issue
Worth similar testing

Mani - M
Time to leave. See you guys next week...Merry Christmas to all

Tyeth - T
Happy holidays

Pan - P
it does sound awesome

Tyeth - T
Merry Christmas

Pan - P
happy holidays

Tyeth - T
Robert e-paper details?

Robert Wolff (Screencast) - R(

Pan - P
For whoever's left:What did the Power Ranger say to his patient when he became a doctor?

Ragnar. - R
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