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Orange Pi I96 start up - Orange Pi i96 - 96Boards Forum

Orange Pi I96 start up

Hi. I have been trying to start up a new Orange Pi i96 board. I have a new micro SD card in place and power via the mini usb (2 amps+). I have attached a USB mouse. Only one USB port so haven’t connected a keyboard yet. I cannot get a response on the monitor. What am I doing wrong, or not doing? How do I know if it is working? Nothing appears in the wireless connections or on the home network
Any help will be greatly appreciated

I am assuming there is nothing to see on a monitor until there is a network connection.
There are two yellow LEDs alight. Not sure what these are for.

Can you explain what you mean by no response on the monitor? How did you connected a monitor to the device?

Thanks for the reply. Sorry, I was not very clear. My original post was confusing. I assumed that when it started there would be some response on the monitor. In the network or in the list of internet connections. How else can I tell if it has started?
How do you know if it has started? Or working? If that is the correct term?

I still don’t know what you mean by “response on the monitor”.

Your original post (now edited) mentioned a HDMI monitor but OrangePi i96 does not have a HDMI socket meaning I am confused about what board you actually have. How have you connected a monitor to your board?

I did edit the first message because it was so wrong. Sleep deficit. Please disregard the mention of the monitor. The board is an Orange Pi i96. What I would like to know is how can I get the board working? How do I know if it is working.
I have used Win32DiskImager to load the image downloaded from the site onto a micro SD. I have applied power to the USB. I thought it may appear on the home wifi network or home network but I cannot see it anywhere. If it is working what should I see? Or is there a way to connect it to the network? Thanks for taking the time to respond and sorry for the confusion. Cary

I don’t know if this is helpful but I am on one PC with ubuntu. I typed :
nmcli dev status
and the only device connected on the wifi network is the modem/router. There is a line that reads:
p2p-dev-wlp7s0 wifi-p2p diconnected

Well in the very least, for it to connect to your wifi network, you would have to actually program it to be able to recognize your network’s SSID. If you have encryption on your wifi, you would also need to program the standards and authentication data to it.

The part you are actually missing, I believe, is on page 8 of the hardware user manual. The part that talks about connecting a TTL cable. Basically, your UI is going to be through the UART. If you don’t have a TTL UART cable (likely you want one with a USB on the other end), then you’re going to have to get one.

Maybe as an alternative, I see that the usb power socket is listed as an “otg” port, so if the software supports it, you may be able to treat that as a USB-to-UART adapter and/or some other gadget like ADB which I would guess to be enabled in the android builds.

I think on this board (at least for the Debian image) the only connection that is enabled out-of-the-box is the debug UART mentioned in the hardware manual.

Thanks for replying. I am new to this (as you can tell). I will look at your suggestions but it may be beyond me for now. Maybe I will stick with simpler options like Arduino until I learn a little more :-).
However, could you suggest the best boards to gather data from sensors and wirelessly transmit to another board for analysis/ computation, etc. Say, two scenarios - over 3-5 metres and over longer distances 20 to 100m. Thanks

The sensors could be accelerometers, gyros, gas sensors, etc