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OpenHours ep 73 Recap - Safe2Med - 96Boards

OpenHours ep 73 Recap - Safe2Med

Robert Wolff


Saúde Certa(Safe2Med) is a project that aims to minimize the error in the administration of medicines and at the same time allow a smarter interaction of patients in hospital beds, allowing information transparency and real-time monitoring. This time on OpenHours, you meet the creators of this amazong prototype/product. Together we discussed their development path and future product plans. If you have a product idea with 96Boards and would like to find out more about how people are using these platforms to bring their products to life, this is your chance. Video, slideshow, resources and chat log are all available to you below!

  • WhatsApp: +55 3199992-1150


The slideshow

Chat log

Robert Wolff - RW
Hello Ilo!
I can heary ou
I can hear you
Good to see you, my friend!

Ilo Rivero - IR
Hi RObert
Just doing some tests
Great, I am excited. I useually do not turn my camera an mic on until a couple minutes before we start

Ilo Rivero - IR
Glad to be here!
Video and audio are coming in clear though, so that is good. Feel free to keep testing.

Ilo Rivero - IR

Robert Wolff - RW
We will get started in just am inute

Thomas Stolt - TS
I am so envious! You guys had all the fun in SF! ;)

Robert Wolff - RW
ep 72

Abdefettah - A
Hello Guys

Robert Wolff - RW

Tyeth - T
Not even microsoft :'(

Robert Wolff - RW

Ragnar. - R

Guest 2 - G2
How are you getting data the patient ? Did you also develop customized wireless data acquisition devices?
Data from the patient

Thomas Stolt - TS
This project is very cool and well thought through. Any specific reason, why you used Azure (over other Cloud services)?

Guest 2 - G2
In terms of a commercial product , do you have one device collecting all these data?

Robert Wolff - RW

Guest 2 - G2

Robert Wolff - RW
Oh, hey Dele!
welcome back :D

Mallik_QC - M
Two questions - Is the processor on the db401 good enough? I  assume you use WiFi for connection, what if you need a carrier?

Tyeth - T
USB 3g modem? or expensive alternatives, maybe lora?

Ilo Rivero - IR
NB-LTE - Narrow Band LTE

Robert Wolff - RW
"We want to make Health Care cost less costly" - Ilo Rivero

Ragnar. - R
Last week I did, there wasn't one  ...I guess?

Tyeth - T
monstrous server style? ready for virtualising joys
form factor isnt everything, just need gigabit LAN

Sahaj Sarup - SS

Tyeth - T
Thnx Sahaj
Yeah, makes sense if not for resale

Robert Wolff - RW

Tyeth - T
Ha, nice
"Unable to resell" i.e. broken or unboxed
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