Linux Host
This section show how to install a new operating system to your hikey960 using the fastboot method on a Linux host computer.
- Step 1: Materials and Preperations
- Step 2: Dependencies
- Step 3: Flash base firmware (if needed)
- Step 4: Boot hikey960 into fastboot mode
- Step 5: Flash Operating System
- Step 6: Reboot
Step 1: Materials and Preperations
- hikey960
- USB Type-A (Host machine) to USB Type-C (96Boards) cable
- 96Boards compliant power supply
There are two versions of hikey960 |
v1 uses Jumpers (J2001) |
v2 uses DIP Switches (SW2201) |
Both are located at the bottom side of the board |
Jumper Pin 1-2 = DIP switch 1 |
Jumper Pin 3-4 = DIP switch 2 |
Jumper Pin 5-6 = DIP switch 3 |
- To boot into fastboot mode everytime set switch 1 & 3 to ON state and switch 2 to OFF state.
- To boot into fastboot mode at every alternate rebooot set switch 1 to ON and switch 2 & 3 to OFF state.
- To boot into recovery mode set switch 1 & 2 to ON state and switch 3 to OFF state
Step 2: Dependencies
Host Linux Machine
- Android SDK “Platform-Tools” for Linux can be downloaded here
- Download appropriate operating system images from “Downloads page”
Step 3: Flash base firmware (only if necessary)
Most release-level devices should not require this step to updating the base firmware, so this step mostly applies to pre-release boards, and can be skipped (head on to Step 4 of the instructions). However, if your board does not boot after being flashed, its advised to do a recovery flash to ensure lower-level firmware components are properly flashed.
Instructions on how to do a recovery flash of the base firmware are kept in a seperate repository and can be found here
Step 4: Boot hikey 960 into fastboot mode
- hikey960 must be powered off (unplugged from power, this includes both 96Boards compliant power supply and USB Type-C connections)
- Make sure microSD card slot on hikey960 is empty
- Jumper/Dip Switch setting should be set as follows
Name | Link / Switch | State |
Auto Power up | Link 1-2 / Switch 1 | closed / ON |
Recovery | Link 3-4 / Switch 2 | open / OFF |
Fastboot | Link 5-6 / Switch 3 | closed / ON |
- Connect USB Type-C cable AND 96Boards compliant power supply to hikey960, ensure USB is connected to host machine
- Open “Terminal” on host machine and execute the following command
$ sudo fastboot devices
If your hikey960 is pre-flashed with appropriate firmware, you should see your device lised as an output:
447786182000000 fastboot
At this point you should be connected to your hikey960 with a USB Type-A to USB Type-C cable. Your hikey960 should be booted into fastboot mode and ready to be flashed with the appropriate images.
Step 5: Flash Operating System
Run the script located in your download to update boot files using fastboot. This script assumes you have already built all hikey960 AOSP images locally.
$ sudo ./
Debian Linux
- Decompress Files
# BOOT IMAGE $ gunzip boot-linaro-stretch-developer-hikey-*.img.gz # ROOTFS IMAGE $ gunzip rootfs-linaro-stretch-developer-hikey-*.img.gz
- Flash UFS
$ sudo fastboot flash ptable prm_ptable.img $ sudo fastboot flash fastboot l-loader.bin $ sudo fastboot flash fip fip.bin $ sudo fastboot reboot-bootloader $ sudo fastboot flash boot boot-linaro-stretch-developer-hikey-*.img $ sudo fastboot flash system rootfs-linaro-stretch-developer-hikey-*.img
Step 6: Reboot
- Unplug power to hikey960 (both 96Boards compliant power supply and USB Type-C)
- Jumper/Dip Switch setting should be set as follows
Name | Link / Switch | State |
Auto Power up | Link 1-2 / Switch 1 | closed / ON |
Recovery | Link 3-4 / Switch 2 | open / OFF |
Fastboot | Link 5-6 / Switch 3 | open / OFF |
- Ensure keyboard, mouse and HDMI cable to monitor are all connected (AOSP only)
- Ensure UART adapter is 1.8v and connected to LS-UART1 (Debian only).
- Plug power back into hikey960 (96Boards compliant power supply)
- Wait for board to boot up
Congratulations! You are now booting your newly installed OS directly from UFS on the hikey960!