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<strong>android</strong> Boot Error - DragonBoard410c - 96Boards Forum

android Boot Error

I followed the instructions to flash the DragonBoard 410C with the latest android image, and the install seemed to go well. However after the install when I tried to boot the DragonBoard one LED went green for a little bit and then it went off. Nothing ever showed up on the monitor the I have connected by HDMI. I connected the board to by computer by USB and used android Device Monitor to try to get an idea about what is going on. From what I can tell from LogCat android is booting, encountering an error where it cannot find /system/framework/qti-telephony-common.jar, which causes it to reboot, and this just keeps repeating.

Here is what I keep seeing be repeated over and over again when looking at the logcat:

01-01 00:12:02.654: I/Process(1665): Sending signal. PID: 1665 SIG: 9
01-01 00:12:02.789: I/ServiceManager(271): service ‘isub’ died
01-01 00:12:02.790: I/ServiceManager(271): service ‘iphonesubinfo’ died
01-01 00:12:02.790: D/ConnectivityService(749): unregisterNetworkFactory for Telephony
01-01 00:12:02.791: D/WifiService(749): Client connection lost with reason: 4
01-01 00:12:02.793: I/ServiceManager(271): service ‘isms’ died
01-01 00:12:02.793: I/ServiceManager(271): service ‘simphonebook’ died
01-01 00:12:02.793: I/ServiceManager(271): service ‘phone’ died
01-01 00:12:02.793: I/ServiceManager(271): service ‘carrier_config’ died
01-01 00:12:02.793: I/ServiceManager(271): service ‘sip’ died
01-01 00:12:02.800: I/ActivityManager(749): Process (pid 1665) has died
01-01 00:12:02.803: W/ActivityManager(749): Scheduling restart of crashed service in 0ms
01-01 00:12:02.804: W/ActivityManager(749): Re-adding persistent process ProcessRecord{9839ee9}
01-01 00:12:02.823: I/ActivityManager(749): Start proc for restart
01-01 00:12:02.897: W/System(1703): ClassLoader referenced unknown path: /system/priv-app/TeleService/lib/arm64
01-01 00:12:02.912: W/System(1703): ClassLoader referenced unknown path: /system/priv-app/TelephonyProvider/lib/arm64
01-01 00:12:02.950: D/TelephonyProvider(1703): dbh.onOpen: ok, queried table=siminfo
01-01 00:12:02.951: D/TelephonyProvider(1703): dbh.onOpen: ok, queried table=carriers
01-01 00:12:02.975: W/System(1703): ClassLoader referenced unknown path: /system/framework/qti-telephony-common.jar
01-01 00:12:02.976: W/System.err(1703): java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: com.qti.internal.telephony.QtiTelephonyPlugin
01-01 00:12:02.976: W/System.err(1703): at java.lang.Class.classForName(Native Method)
01-01 00:12:02.976: W/System.err(1703): at java.lang.Class.forName(
01-01 00:12:02.976: W/System.err(1703): at
01-01 00:12:02.976: W/System.err(1703): at
01-01 00:12:02.976: W/System.err(1703): at
01-01 00:12:02.976: W/System.err(1703): at
01-01 00:12:02.976: W/System.err(1703): at
01-01 00:12:02.976: W/System.err(1703): at$1600(
01-01 00:12:02.976: W/System.err(1703): at$H.handleMessage(
01-01 00:12:02.977: W/System.err(1703): at android.os.Handler.dispatchMessage(
01-01 00:12:02.977: W/System.err(1703): at android.os.Looper.loop(
01-01 00:12:02.977: W/System.err(1703): at
01-01 00:12:02.977: W/System.err(1703): at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Native Method)
01-01 00:12:02.977: W/System.err(1703): at$
01-01 00:12:02.977: W/System.err(1703): at
01-01 00:12:02.977: W/System.err(1703): Caused by: java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: Didn’t find class “com.qti.internal.telephony.QtiTelephonyPlugin” on path: DexPathList[[],nativeLibraryDirectories=[/vendor/lib64, /system/lib64]]
01-01 00:12:02.977: W/System.err(1703): at dalvik.system.BaseDexClassLoader.findClass(
01-01 00:12:02.977: W/System.err(1703): at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(
01-01 00:12:02.977: W/System.err(1703): at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(
01-01 00:12:02.977: W/System.err(1703): … 15 more
01-01 00:12:02.977: W/System.err(1703): Suppressed: java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: Didn’t find class “com.qti.internal.telephony.QtiTelephonyPlugin” on path: DexPathList[[directory “.”],nativeLibraryDirectories=[/vendor/lib64, /system/lib64]]
01-01 00:12:02.977: W/System.err(1703): at dalvik.system.BaseDexClassLoader.findClass(
01-01 00:12:02.977: W/System.err(1703): at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(
01-01 00:12:02.977: W/System.err(1703): at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(
01-01 00:12:02.977: W/System.err(1703): … 16 more
01-01 00:12:02.978: W/System.err(1703): Suppressed: java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: com.qti.internal.telephony.QtiTelephonyPlugin
01-01 00:12:02.978: W/System.err(1703): at java.lang.Class.classForName(Native Method)
01-01 00:12:02.978: W/System.err(1703): at java.lang.BootClassLoader.findClass(
01-01 00:12:02.978: W/System.err(1703): at java.lang.BootClassLoader.loadClass(
01-01 00:12:02.978: W/System.err(1703): at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(
01-01 00:12:02.978: W/System.err(1703): … 17 more
01-01 00:12:02.978: W/System.err(1703): Caused by: java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: Class not found using the boot class loader; no stack trace available
01-01 00:12:03.150: W/KeyguardUpdateMonitor(894): invalid subId in handleSimStateChange()
01-01 00:12:03.151: D/MmsSmsDatabaseHelper(1703): Skipping upgrade/Upgrade already Done
01-01 00:12:03.151: D/GpsLocationProvider(749): received SIM related action:
01-01 00:12:03.157: D/SimSelectNotification(1944): no of slots 1 provision = false
01-01 00:12:03.164: E/DcSwitchStateMachine-0(1703): DctController is not ready
01-01 00:12:03.167: D/GpsLocationProvider(749): SIM MCC/MNC is still not available
01-01 00:12:03.168: E/ConnectivityService(749): Failed to find Messenger in unregisterNetworkFactory
01-01 00:12:03.170: D/ConnectivityService(749): Got NetworkFactory Messenger for Telephony
01-01 00:12:03.232: D/CarrierConfigLoader(1703): CarrierConfigLoader has started
01-01 00:12:03.236: D/BluetoothManagerService(749): Message: 20
01-01 00:12:03.236: D/BluetoothManagerService(749): Added callback: android.bluetooth.IBluetoothManagerCallback$Stub$Proxy@de23b97:true
01-01 00:12:03.239: D/BluetoothManagerService(749): Message: 30
01-01 00:12:03.261: I/Telephony(1703): TtyManager: updateUiTtyMode -1 → 0
01-01 00:12:03.267: D/TelephonyDebugService(1703): TelephonyDebugService()
01-01 00:12:03.281: D/GpsLocationProvider(749): received SIM related action:
01-01 00:12:03.290: W/KeyguardUpdateMonitor(894): invalid subId in handleServiceStateChange()
01-01 00:12:03.292: D/GpsLocationProvider(749): SIM MCC/MNC is still not available
01-01 00:12:03.431: D/CellBroadcastReceiver(2136): onReceive Intent { act=android.intent.action.SERVICE_STATE flg=0x10 (has extras) }
01-01 00:12:03.431: D/CellBroadcastReceiver(2136): Intent ACTION_SERVICE_STATE_CHANGED
01-01 00:12:03.431: D/CellBroadcastReceiver(2136): subscriptionId = -2
01-01 00:12:03.434: D/WifiService(749): New client listening to asynchronous messages
01-01 00:12:03.439: D/CarrierConfigLoader(1703): mHandler: 12 phoneId: 0
01-01 00:12:03.450: D/androidRuntime(1703): Shutting down VM
01-01 00:12:03.451: E/androidRuntime(1703): FATAL EXCEPTION: main
01-01 00:12:03.451: E/androidRuntime(1703): Process:, PID: 1703
01-01 00:12:03.451: E/androidRuntime(1703): java.lang.NullPointerException: Attempt to invoke interface method ‘int’ on a null object reference
01-01 00:12:03.451: E/androidRuntime(1703): at
01-01 00:12:03.451: E/androidRuntime(1703): at$500(
01-01 00:12:03.451: E/androidRuntime(1703): at$1.onSubscriptionsChanged(
01-01 00:12:03.451: E/androidRuntime(1703): at android.telephony.SubscriptionManager$OnSubscriptionsChangedListener$1.handleMessage(
01-01 00:12:03.451: E/androidRuntime(1703): at android.os.Handler.dispatchMessage(
01-01 00:12:03.451: E/androidRuntime(1703): at android.os.Looper.loop(
01-01 00:12:03.451: E/androidRuntime(1703): at
01-01 00:12:03.451: E/androidRuntime(1703): at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Native Method)
01-01 00:12:03.451: E/androidRuntime(1703): at$
01-01 00:12:03.451: E/androidRuntime(1703): at
01-01 00:12:03.455: W/ActivityManager(749): Process has crashed too many times: killing!

Any suggestions on how to use this so I can get android working on this board?

Hello Eric,
I think it is a known problem.

Have a nice day.