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<strong>debian</strong> PPP connection on Dragonboard410C 3G USB cell - DragonBoard410c - 96Boards Forum

debian PPP connection on Dragonboard410C 3G USB cell

I installed Linux via SD card onto the 410C board using the file/build.

CDC ACM USB drivers are native to the build, upon physically connecting a Multi-Tech H5 USB modem (e.g. the MTD-H5, MTQ-H5-B02, etc.) the appropriate tty ports are added to the system (in /dev 7 ports are added, ttyACM0 through ttyACM6). The first (ttyACM0) and the 4th (ttyACM3) ports can be used for a data connection (one or the other not both).

The ppp daemon was then added (an active Wi-Fi connection is needed) via “sudo apt install ppp” (Y to confirm install of dependencies).

I will gladly attach the files when there is a place to do so. Files AMC0.Telit and gprs.AMC0 (their names are arbitrary).

The file gprs.ACM0 is a chat file/script to be placed in the /etc/chatscript/ directory. This file contains the AT commands and related responses, etc. needed to configure the APN in the H5 modem and to bring up the connection (dial command, etc.). The role of the chat script is to handle bringing up the modem.

The file ACM0.Telit is a peer file. This file provides ppp configuration details and defines what tty resource (i.e. modem) is to be used for the connection. This file is to be placed in the /etc/ppp/peers/ directory.

To invoke the connection issue:
“sudo pppd call ACM0.Telit” (call the desired peer file).

To disconnect the call issue:
“sudo killall pppd”

The peer file has debug enabled, so in the /var/log/syslog file there will be entries for the connection coming up and down (at commands, ppp negotiations, etc.).

Now, How do we do the same thing in the GUI?
This reference isn’t helpful.

The forum does not allow attachments but it does allow you to embed links and images to externally hosted content.

For text files use something like termbin, pastebin or a github gist.

For photos and images you can use any image host that allows external. I personally like flickr because I find the terms of service for user generated content acceptable and because you can easily copy n’ paste links to the forum from its share button.

Turns out that our current debian images do not include ModemManager. Without this installed NetworkManager is unable to find the modem.

That means that “apt install ppp modemmanager” should be enough to get this working. I’ve also posted to see if we can get this included by default (it is nice when you don’t need a network connection in order to get the networking hardware running).