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Recap of the 96Boards OpenHours 18 - 96Boards

Recap of the 96Boards OpenHours 18


This was our last between season 96Boards OpenHours where we will have the entire hour to ask questions.  Beginning in our next OpenHours we will be kicking off the new season starting with an exciting three part series and a chance to win one of several DragonBoards.  It will be during a 3 part series that will begin on Thursday September 15th, the first episode will be about simple unboxing of a new DragonBoard 410c, the second episode will be a demo with Lawrence King from his desk at Qualcomm Canada (during this episode we will be taking down names for those that want to be part of the drawing) and the final part of the series will be a live panel at our Linaro Connect event in Las Vegas, Nevada to discuss the DragonBoard and to answer any questions (and we will announce the winners).  This week’s OpenHours (#18) had 90 participants on the call and many great questions.   To watch this weeks’ session go to (

  • 1:50 - 10:24 The first part of the call was a discussion with Jorge Ramirez-Ortiz who wrote a blog recently on “Running a KVM guest on HiKey”

    • Jorge has over twenty years of experience developing software and has been with Linaro on the Member Services team for a few years now.

    • The second version of the VM System Specification for ARM processors was released back in April 2016: this document aims at [..] providing a set of guidelines for both guest OS and hypervisors such that OS images built according to these guidelines shall guarantee that those images will be able to execute on those hypervisors […].  You can download the 2.0 version of the specification on this link.

    • Jorge went through his blog in more detail on the call and talked about additional materials that are available

    • 10:25 - question: What would someone use KVM for in real world cases?

    • 12:52 - question:  How do we handle capacity and performance issues if you run multi-workloads?

    • 17:36 - question:  Will it help us in debugging some kernel issues?

  • 20:34 - question:  How to install linux on dragonboard without screen like raspberry pi 2?

  • 24:35 - question about the give-away of the DragonBoard-  Robert went through the details and what each episode of the series will be about

  • 28:22 - question:  Are any Consumer Edition board with ARM 64-bit SoC, GigE Ethernet and USB 3.x in the pipeline?

  • 31:37 - question:  If I created a workload (i.e. a vm ) on a host (KVM + a Hikey board), will it be possible to move / clone that workload / vm and use it on another host machine created with KVM + another board?  porting VMs across the hosts..?

  • 33:19 - question:  User question about his Mezzanine board and the schematic and layout - also a question about connecting GPIO’s?

  • 41:41 - question:  How should I connect my board to internet if I am not using a display?

  • 43:27 - Robert closed the call talking about the DragonBoard 410c mini-series that will begin next week

Be sure to join us for the next OpenHours where we will have the first of our 3 part series  and go through an out of box experience with the DragonBoard 410c.

Don’t forget about the upcoming Linaro Connect where attendees have an opportunity to meet with Linaro in person and learn a lot more about what is going on in the community.  There are still openings available to attend this conference in Las Vegas, Nevada September 26-30, 2016 –

Below is the chat log from the OpenHours session today:


Questions are welcome in the chat

Thanks jmr-b


what are the posiible use cases of using KVM in the world of IOT..

how do we handle capacity and perfomance issues ..if we run multiple work loads?

are these board are capable of handling capacity and perfomance issues..


Another use of KVM is for security (anti-cracking) to separate applications or user interfaces from one another with only well controlled network connections between them.



morning everyone

Was attendance taken?


For DB410c mini series/ giveaway?


It think it will help us in debugging some kernel issues ?




Thaks Jorge

Guest 38


how to install linux on dragonboard without screen like raspberry pi 2


Are we good porting workloads across the boards?


@Guest 38: You can install Linux onto DragonBoard using fastboot method

Ron A


Do I need to PM my name to someone for the giveaway?

Guest 38


then how can i connect it to internet


could we get this thing documented some where ?

I really need this

Guest 38


Thank you for the answer but how should I connect to internet?


Somewhat OT question: Are any Consumer Edition board with ARM 64-bit SoC, GigE Ethernet and USB 3.x in the pipeline?





sd600eval has Ethernet but not USB3


If I created a workload (i.e. a vm ) on a host (KVM + a Hikey board), will it be possible to move / clone that workload / vm and use it on another host machine created with KVM + another board? Hope I am clear this time on porting VMs across the hosts..


Guest38: if you dont want to use the WIFI interface you can do the following:


Thanks for your answers!


Thanks Lasse!



Jean-Marc could you please show us the board if you have with you now ?

Sensor Mezzanine



apart from Mark said, @Lasse Poplar board has gigebyte ETH and USB3.0


jmr-b: it is supposed to work but I havent tested it on hikey


there are 4 unannunced boards also have them..

sorry 5



I have a 96B Sensors Rev C board with no LEDs here as well. Just arrived from Seeed this week.


Hi lawrence! How should I connect my board to internet if I am not using a display?


I haven’t tried that yet


The whole beauty of virtualization is hardware abstraction and migrating machines across the hosts without creating and creating VMs every time .and also making it possible to automated roll-out of VMs using scipts .I don’t have boards of different genera except DB410c … I will try to aquire and give it a try


Guest 38



@YangZhang, I saw the Poplar, but it’s too large for my use. Thanks.

@YangZhang, can you reveal ETA on these 5 unannounced boards?


I am interested in using a Grove accelerometer with the Dragonaord. You the best way to do this with the Mezanie board?



@Lasse not yet I am afraid - whats your required time frame?


@YangZhang, preferably within this year.

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