This course will be held in 2 sessions.
Part I: Mechanics, takes place on Tuesday, July 11 at 04:00pm GMT.
Part II: Tips, tools and techniques, is on Tuesday July 18 at 04:00pm GMT.
Sessions will be two and a half hours long.
Please note this training is only available to Google employees.
Part I: Mechanics
- What is Upstreaming?
- How the Linux project is organised
- How to Upstream?
○ Patch Preparation
○ Patch Creation
○ Patch Posting
○ Feedback
○ Maintenance
○ Worked example - Lab/homework
○ Further reading
○ Minarai - Learning by watching
Part II: Tips, tools and techniques
- Talking with upstream
- Tags
- Thinking like a maintainer
- kernel versioning and release flow
- Sharp tools and smart techniques
○ Train your style
○ Filtering mailing lists
○ Source navigation
○ Static checkers
○ Handling regressions and bisectability testing - What do do when you are ignored\
- Case study: Mailbox upstreaming