Build from Source
Download and Test Build SDK
The following instructions assume you are running Linux and are well versed in using a terminal. On any other operating system we recommend installing VirtualBox from or any other virtualization system that lets you run a Linux distribution.
- Download, unpack and install the NXP-QoriQ Linux SDK v2.0 source.
- Download and install the NXP-QoriQ Linux SDK v2.0 17.03 Upgrade.
- Change into your SDK directory using the linux console.
- Run
. ./fsl-setup-env -m ls1012frdm
- Accept the EULA, you should now have been transferred into a directory called build_ls1012afrdm.
- Verify your installation state by running bitbake fsl-image-core (This will take a long time, depending on your system)
If bitbake runs through without major errors, your installation of the Yocto SDK has been successful.
Note: The image that resulted from this test-build carries no Oxalis specific customizations but might be bootable on your board (not supported).
Get Oxalis Specific SDK
- Execute the following:
$ cd <sdk-install-dir>/ $ mkdir systart $ cd systart $ git clone $ source meta-systart-oxalis/scripts/oxalis-setup-env
- You should now have been switched into a new build directory ie
$ <sdk-install-dir>/build_oxalisls1012a
- From here bitbake should be able to build these images:
: kernel, U-Boot and minimal Linux environment (BusyBox) ramdisk in U-Boot loadable format. Recomended Target. -
: RootFS image with core components -
: RootFS with full content of the yocto distribution, including GUI (very large, extreme build times, not supported).
To start build, run
$ bitbake oxalis-image-kernelitb
- After the build you can find the images in:
Follow Installation Guide