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Linaro Linux release updates - DragonBoard410c - 96Boards Forum

Linaro Linux release updates


as requested here, we will use a ‘sticky’ post to notify when there are new Linux/Ubuntu releases available… So consider subscribing to this post to get notified.

With that said… I am pleased to announce that the 15.07 release is now available. See:

for more details.

This is mostly a bug fix release, with a few additional new features. Thanks to all of you who reported issues on the forum!


What is the upgrade path to 15.07 from an existing 15.06 installation?

it’s great to see this being actively supported. I am awaiting my device from Arrow :slight_smile:
Is it possible to provide the binfmt_misc kernel module for the next release (or integrate it to the kernel)?
It is required to run exagear:

Thanks and best wishes,

#ExplodingLemur, i haven’t tested the upgrade path. it should more or less work (e.g. apt-get update && apt-get upgrade), but with a few caveats…

  • some packages were added in the image (such as gst -bad), so it wouldn’t automatically get install with a simple upgrade

  • upgrading the kernel might be a bit tricky… we don’t support in place kernel upgrade. but the following ‘might’ work:

** download the linux-image .deb from the release
** extract its content in /tmp with dpkg -x (I believe dpkg -i should fail), then copy the extracted new /tmp/lib/modules/xxx into /lib/modules
** reboot and flash the new boot image from the 15.07 release

I will see if i can give this a try… and if that works, i might include that in the release notes…

If you try, let me know too.

@MartinW: sure. can you create a bug for that:, so that we don’t forget?

I tried an update/upgrade but it didn’t find anything new.

hmm. that’s weird. I would expect at least some graphics packages (mesa, gl, …) to be upgraded… that looks suspicious. I will need to investigate how we can properly support ‘upgrade path’…


I am pleased to announce a new Linux/Linaro release for DragonBoard 410c, see more at:


The main change is the migration to Linux 4.2 base, instead of 4.0, and in general a much cleaner kernel code base, though we still have a lot of work there!


10/02/2015 release is build 102.

hi there,

I am pleased to announce a new Linux release for DragonBoard 410c:

The main change is the migration from Ubuntu to debian.


Very nice!
I assume the remote ssh thing is not yet solved?
I appreciate the change to debian!


Hi, can you please clarify for me. When linaro says ‘migration to debian’, what does that mean? I’m just confused by the wording in the release notes from December.

Does this mean you are actively supporting debian as the ‘main’ release?
…Or linaro has ported changes from ubuntu into debian?
…Or linaro is only supporting debian for the future?

I’m confused on how this affects me, as I’ve set up a build system to support ubuntu already. Will ubuntu still be supported, or is the bulk of support for debian now? Are you still building on a ubuntu machine for releases?

As I understand the build process, a good portion of the work from linaro is in the ‘overlay’, correct? Can you explain if this ‘migration’ is related to some overlay changes?

Thank you kindly for you time to respond.


the migration to debian means that from now on all our releases will be based on debian instead of Ubuntu. I am referring here to the target release, e.g. what runs on the board. Not what is used to create the images (which is irrelevant, and in fact we still use Ubuntu on our build servers).

Our images are based on debian, which means that 99% of the packages that we assemble into the images come straight from debian (we picked debian jessie version). Then we add a few custom packages that come from our overlays, as you noticed. Most of what we have in our overlays are backport from more recent debian release, and there are a few things that we add which don’t exist in debian/Ubuntu (mostly a few boot scripts). Then of course we use a custom kernel, not the main debian kernel.

Effectively, we are no longer building our overlays for Ubuntu, so you won’t be able to install anything from our overlays. And if you must use Ubuntu, you might have to rebuild what we push in the overlay for the specific version of Ubuntu that you are using. If you are ok with using debian instead of Ubuntu, it should be fairly straight forward to update your build system to build debian images. This is the exact same process as building Ubuntu images, you just point the tools to the debian archive, instead of the Ubuntu archive.

Let me know if you have more questions.


I am pleased to announced a new Linux release for DragonBoard 410c.

Main changes:

  • Upgrade to debian 8.3.
  • Upgrade to Linux kernel 4.4.
  • Add support for analog audio playback and record
  • Upgrade graphics components: Mesa 11.1.2
  • Add support to auto resize the rootfs image during the first boot (in case you are using a custom partition scheme)

It also includes the (in)famous wlan bug (cannot ssh/ping the board).

More on:



I did notice that the SPI patches discussed here are not included in the new release:

Any chance of getting them pulled in to the next one?

i am still unable to get the display on my monitor with 1080pi resolution.
please help
i also tried flashing linux but didn’t get the display working


just a quick note that we’ve gotten a couple of reports about ‘stability’ issues with the 16.02 release. The issues were not easy to debug/reproduce, but we spotted a problem related to ‘changing cpu frequencies’. We might have found a fix for this issue, we need to run a couple of days of testing, and hopefully will publish a fix release next week.

in the mean time, if you have issues, please report here, or even better on


I came to be hung up when I updated it to debian16.02 when I connected the mobile router of the NCM type.
I am worried about the point where usbnet and cdc-ncm are changed to by changes from Knrnel4.2 to Kernel4.4.
A person understanding the solution, please tell me.

I’m told the next version of Linux for the DragonBoard 410C will support USB Cell Modems. When will it be posted?
Thank you