Happy New Year - WW96D!
As 2017 comes to a close, I could not help but write a blog to summarize the many things 96Boards has done throughout the year! Of course, with every new year, we welcome new experiences, exciting challenges, and open our minds to the endless possibilities that await us… So, let’s look back at last year but focus on 2018 and ask:
What Will 96Boards Do?
NOTE: Pair this blog with this episode of OpenHours!
For all you audio/visual folks, get caught up by visiting the 96Boards YouTube channel. There you will find several playlists to help maneuver through the content. Don’t forget to subscribe!
January, 2017
96Boards teamed up with Qualcomm, UCSD, Jacobs School of Engineering, IEEE and HKN (IEEE Honors society at UCSD) to help host a hackathon around the DragonBoard 410c. The hackathon would last one full day and welcome over 100 students to participate! By the end of the event, more than 20 amazing projects were featured and prizes were given to the winners. A look back at the projects and some event highlights can be found on the 96Boards YouTube Channel under the HARD Hackathon playlist.
- Welcome to 2017!
- OpenHours Ep 35
- System Level ESD Protection with ST on OpenHours
- Setting up a Home 96Boards Media Server
News and articles
- Jan 14th - Rene Sapiens talks about the HiKey board
February, 2017
96Boards had the opportunity to participate in two events during the month of February. We teamed up with Qualcomm and Tecnologico de Monterrey University in Chihuahua to host a hackathon around the DragonBoard 410c. The hackathon focused on “Smart Cities” and had over 150 student participants. By the end of this hackathon, we saw many great new projects and opened opportunities for future events in Mexico. 96Boards continues to work with professors from Tec de Monterrey and hope to bring 96Boards even further into academia with this new network. During the same dates, 96Boards and Linaro also had a booth for the Embedded Linux Conference in Oregon! The conference which lasted several days featured many open source activities, sessions, workshops, and of course swag from the booth crawl. We look forward to hopefully being a part of ELC NA in 2018 as well.
News and articles
- The LHG Releases the First Build of AOSP TV for the 96Boards HiKey Platform
- Linaro’s AOSP TV supports Android TV development on 96Boards
- OP-TEE on HiKey
March, 2017
96Boards played a huge part in the regularly scheduled Linaro Connect! This time Connect was held in Budapest, Hungary! Instead of spending too much time here, summarizing all of the amazing activities that took place. I will forward you all to the Linaro Connect resource page for BUD17. Please take some time to poke through all of the videos and slides!
News and articles
- First 96boards Enterprise board which will be on a market?
- New 96Boards IoT Edition Boards Showcased at Linaro Connect 2017: BlueSky IE and WRTNode IE
- 96Boards Carbon hits zephyr docs
- 96Boards Nitrogen hits zephyr docs
- Arrow Dragonboard 820c Extended 96Boards, the Enterprise Edition Oxalis NXP ARMv8 Layerscape LS1012A
- FPGA-based 96Boards SBC boasts quantum-resistant crypto
- Running MicroPython on 96Boards Carbon
- 96Boards hits Fab-to-lab, India
- Arrow presents three new releases in 96Boards series
- 96Boards MediaTek X20 Pro development board by ArcherMind
- Yang Zhang, Director of 96Boards and Robert Wolff, Host of 96Boards Open Hours
April, 2017
Linaro and 96Boards announced the HiKey960 during a special episode of OpenHours! We were joined by representatives from Huawei, LeMaker, Archermind, and more to speak of this great new Consumer Edition 96Boards. During this episode, Vishal Bhoj showed a demo, we took questions and of course discussed all of the efforts put into the board.
- Project BIG Button
- Laser Cutting with Daniel T.
- Brazil Partnership with 96Boards
- Audio Mezzanine with Jean-Marc
- VU-Meter - Part 1
- 96Boards goes to Chihuahua
- Linaro announces the HiKey960
- HiKey960 takes over OpenHours
News and articles
- Chameleon96: the first FPGA-enabled and ARMv7 96Boards entry
- 96Boards Officially Launches The HiKey 960 ARM Board
- Most powerful 96Boards SBC yet offers M.2 expansion
- Linaro Announces Latest 96Boards Product for AOSP Development
- 96 Boards debuts new Huawei HiKey 960 board for $239
May, 2017
The first 96Boards end-to-end project was showcased and adopted by both 96Boards partners and community. This project was eventually turned into easy to use kits and demoed across several tradeshows and conferences. After a short time, the project was imporved and fed back into our organization.
- Sensor Mezzanine with Jean-Marc
- Libmraa for 96Boards - Part 1
- Libmraa for 96Boards - Part 2
- HiKey960 Demo by Vishal
- Home Surveillance with 96Boards - Part 1
- Home Surveillance with 96Boards - Part 2
- Home Surveillance with 96Boards - Part 3
- Home Surveillance with 96Boards - Part 4
News and articles
- i.MX7 96 Board Workshop by Arrow
- Magenta on 96boards.org HiKey960
- The Case of the Curious Curie 96Board
- Softbank on 96Boards
- 96Boards LeMaker HiKey 960 Building Android AOSP From Source
- OpenHours #53 - Qualcomm Brazil and Jon “maddog” Hall talk 96Boards in Brazil!
- Intel Altera ARM Powered FPGA 96Boards Chameleon96 development board by Novtech
- OpenHours #55 - Linaro Connect SFO17, 96Boards Home Surveillance, debugging and Q&A!
June, 2017
Our newest 96Boards team member (Mani Sadhasivam) assists in his first ever hackathon around the DragonBoard 410c. More can be seen about this event by reading his blog.
- Google Magenta Kernal on HiKey960
- 96Boards goes to the IBM Cognitive IoT Hackathon
- Updates on Development on AOSP
- Home Surveillance with 96Boards - Part 5
- 96Boards Region update
- D3 DesignCore Camera Mezzanine on OpenHours
- Magic 8-Ball and Hourglass with 96Boards
- D3 Engineering visits OpenHours
- Modding Arrow’s Audio Mezzanine for 96Boards
News and articles
- OpenHours #56 - Google Magenta Kernel on 96Boards HiKey960 - DB410c OS discussion, and more!
- 96Boards D3 DesignCore Camera Mezzanine - Unboxing Part 1
- 96Boards HiKey960 UEFI Bootloader First Look
- 96Boards HiKey960 GPIO LED Blinky
July, 2017
The winners of the Brazilian partnership program fly to San Diego and attend OpenHours! This was so much fun! We had over ten people grouped up in the Qualcomm Thinkabit lab, all huddled around the tiny webcam on my computer. We talked about the contest, the participants, the winners, their projects, and took time to invterview each team! You can see this video here.
- Google Assistant on 96Boards - Part 1
- Google Assistant on 96Boards - Part 2
- Libmraa for 96Boards - Part 3
- Device Tree Overlay for 96Boards
- 96Boards get Vulkan API support for HiKey960
- Booting Linux from SD Card using u-boot
- Bringing the Carbon to Life
- Brazil Partnership clashes with OpenHours in San Diego
News and articles
- Tiny, $9 Orange Pi may be first 96Boards IoT SBC to run Linux
- LHG updates W3C EME solution for 96Boards HiKey platform
- Google Assist on 96Boards DragonBoard 410c - Demo
- Google Assist screen cast, setup for 96Boards DragonBoard 410c
August, 2017
August was a HUGE month for 96Boards. We attended and hosted a workshop at ACT (Arrow Centralized training) and we visited Cape Cod to give talk at Fedora Flock. Below you can find links to our OpenHours episode, hosted from Denver, and an interview with Peter Robinson from Red Hat to talk about Fedora.
Another great thing to checkout will be the video interview with the folks from Monero! If you are into Cryptocurrency, this is a must see!
- OpenHours Interviews Blackwhale from China
- Introducing the 96Boards Self-balancing bot
- OpenHours Interview with Red Hat / Fedora
- 96Boards Self-balancing bot - Part 1
- OpenHours Interview with Monero and Kovri
- OpenHours - Live from Denver, CO
- zephyr I2C update for Carbon
- Tech talk on OpenHours
News and articles
-Raspberry Pi 3 vs 96Boards DragonBoard 410c CPU Performance, Thermals and Everything in Between
September, 2017
Again, 96Boards played a huge part in the regularly scheduled Linaro Connect! This time Connect was held in San Francisco, California! Instead of spending too much time here, summarizing all of the amazing activities that took place. I will forward you all to the Linaro Connect resource page for SFO17. Please take some time to poke through all of the videos and slides!
We also were invited to assist the Red Hat booth at the Open Source Summit in Los Angeles, California. Below you can find a link to the blog along with resources! Be sure to check it out.
- Libmraa for 96Boards - Part 4
- Meet the DragonBoard / Linaro team on OpenHours
- 96Boards visits Open Source Summin in Los Angeles, CA
- SX1509 i2c GPIO Expander with 8bit PWM Support
- Open Source Project Contribution Cycle on OpenHours
- Self Balancing Bot - Part 2
- Talk about AWS Greengrass with Qualcomm on OpenHours
- OpenHours Live at Linaro Connect in San Francisco
News and articles
- Rock96 Website launches
- Pinout Website launches
- GIGABYTE SynQuacer 96Boards Enterprise Platform is Powered by SocioNext SC2A11 24-core ARMv8 SoC
- Short Demo with 96Boards SynQuacer 64-bit ARM Developer Box
- Secure96 is a 96Boards Mezzanine Expansion Board To Experiment with Hardware Based Security
- Linaro Connect SFO17 kicks off with new 96Boards products, members and technology demonstrations
- Rock960 Board is a 96Boards Compliant Board Powered by Rockchip RK3399 SoC
-96Boards: $99 ROCK960 Rockchip RK3399 development board
October, 2017
This was a nice relaxing month when it came to travel. We did however have a nice string of interviews on OpenHours. We had the chance to talk with many of the Brazil partnership program winners to give them thier own segment. If you look through the links below, you will see a blog for Safe2Med and DragonWally, both of these companies were winners in the contest earlier this year.
Also, a great interview with Ali Gholamloo on Deep learning with Tensorflow on 96Boards. Another must see for those of you interested in Deep learning. Links and resources available through the blog.
- Interview with Safe2Med on OpenHours
- Self Programming using 96Boards Carbon
- Libmraa for 96Boards - Part 5
- New zephyr Sockey API
- Interview with DragonWally on OpenHours
- Linksprite Touch Display enabled on AOSP for HiKey and HiKey960
- zephyr on 96Boards NeonKey
- Basic Threads on zephyr RTOS
- Interview with Ali Gholamloo on OpenHours (Deep Learning)
- Implementing Neonkey Sensor Mezzanine on AOSP
News and articles
- Can Socionext SynQuacer be first 96boards desktop machine?
- Dragonwally is a Stereoscopic Computer Vision Mezzanine for 96Boards CE Boards
- Fedora on 96Boards
- i.MX7 Board launches on 96Boards.org
- Socionext 96boards Enterprise Spec 24 core ARM Dev Kit at Linaro Connect SFO17 - Part 4
- DragonWally Dual Camera Mezzanine - 96Boards OpenHours Ep 74
- Deep learning with Snapdragon in Linux - OpenHours ep #76
November, 2017
Timesys launches a webinar series on the DragonBoard 410c! Make sure you check out the blog below, the video that is included, and be sure to click around the other resources to explore all the other videos made by the Timesys team!
- 96Boards Self Balancing Bot - Rev 2
- Linaro Connect SFO17 summary
- Introducing the 96Boards Pinout website
- Automotive Grade Linux (AGL) on the DragonBoard - Part 1
- Automotive Grade Linux (AGL) on the DragonBoard - Part 2
- VR Development using AOSP and the HiKey960
- Interview with Timesys on OpenHours
- Full PC Version of Minecraft on DragonBoard 410c
- Automotive Grade Linux (AGL) on the DragonBoard - Part 3
News and articles
- 96Boards Product Development & Support
- Socionext Starts Sales of 96Boards Compliant “SynQuacer E-Series”
- Getting started with Fedora on the 96boards Dragonboard
December, 2017
Holidays with Jon “maddog” Hall! Our second annual OpenHours holiday special went off great! Joined by maddog, the 96Boards team, and a group of core community, we went over some great holiday gift ideas focused around Open Source and things techies might want.
- Getting started with the Secure96 TPM
- zephyr RTOS and HC-SR04 Ultrasonic Sensor
- Introducing Patient Monitoring System using 96Boards
- Media Server Remastered
News and articles
Still here!?
For 96Boards announcements and fun, be sure to visit and follow all of our social media channels! Seriously though, if you could only choose one, I would recommend Twitter :)
If you are aching to follow more than just 96Boards, travel on over to my Twitter and give it a follow as well! www.twitter.com/sdrobertw
For those of you who prefer a mailing list, we have just the one for you! You can choose between our “Monthly Newsletter” and our “Weekly Digest”. Get ready for just the right amount of commitment and information, 2018 is calling and 96Boards is here to answer.
Remember, you are all the reason this is possible. Please join us in welcoming a vibrant and new twist on community engagement. With OpenHours, we will take on some exciting challenges this year.
Every week at 4:00pm UTC the 96Boards team engages in the ultimate community driven experience. All are welcome to join LIVE, for free, to interact as equal members in the 96Boards tribe of enthusiasts and developers. This is YOUR channel and a means to bring up interesting and possibly controversial topics, explore new possibilities around the 96Boards brand, and pretty much anything else you would like to talk about! You can also join to hang out and have a quick chat while you enjoy your morning coffee or tea :D