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Connection between laptop and Hikey970 - failed - HiKey970 - 96Boards Forum

Connection between laptop and Hikey970 - failed


I can only use one from the two ports Type -C (cause one is not recognized from my laptop). Anyway, the other one can be used only to run my application on the board. If I am to actually work on my app (press buttons, click on something etc) my board doesn’t respond. Should I install something?

Thank you in advance.

What are you trying to do use the type-C for?

One is a debug UART (for low-level shell commands, etc) and the other is an OTG socket that can be used for other things (adb, recovery, etc).

If you want to interact with the board “normally” then you can attach HID devices to the type A sockets.

When I’m running the android app the mouse and keyboard don’t respond as long as my board is connected to my laptop. If I disconnect it (take off the cable) the board starts responding.

When I’m running the android app the mouse and keyboard don’t respond
as long as my board is connected to my laptop. If I disconnect it
(take off the cable) the board starts responding.

This is the expected behaviour. The SoC has only one USB controller and
it can be electronically switched between the OTG socket (for use cases,
such as recovery, that require USB gadget support) and the built-in USB hub
(for use cases that require USB peripheral support).

It is not possible to operate in both modes at once.

The common workaround for android users who require adb is to connect to
adb via networking rather than via USB.